Boule´s history goes back to the 1950′s when the founder of Swelab Instrument AB, Erik Ohlin, developed Europe’s first automatic blood cell counter.
Diazyme uses its proprietary enzyme technologies to develop diagnostic reagents which can be used on most automated chemistry analyzers in user-friendly formats. Diazyme's products include test kits for diagnosis of cardiovascular disease, liver disease, cancer markers, renal disease, diabetes, and electrolytes.
We have a proud history of instrument research and development. Tcoag has its origins in the patented mechanical method developed by Heinrich Amelung in Lemgo in 1950.f
YD Diagnostics has developed new IVD products and persistently improved their quality by our own high technology and know-how.
ELITech Group manufactures and distributes diagnostic products for clinical chemistry, microbiology, hematology and molecular biology through direct sales and a distribution network encompassing more than 100 countries.
USA manufacturer and worldwide provider of ELISA, biochemistry, chemiluminescence, electrolyte analyzers, automated RPR analyzer, laboratory equipment, ELISA kits, biochemistry kits, and allergy testing solutions.
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