HIV-Ab/Ag (4th Gen) Test Card

HIV-Ab/Ag (4th Gen) Test Card

Product Description

A lateral flow test (Device) for rapid and visual detection of HIV 1/2 antibodies and HIV1 antigen (p24) in human whole blood/serum/plasma

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A lateral flow test (Device) for rapid and visual detection of HIV 1/2 antibodies and HIV1 antigen (p24) in human whole blood/serum/plasma.

In the past 30 years, HIV/AIDS has been spread at an alarming rate and is among the top 10 global burden of diseases. The global rise of prevalence, death and DALY rates shows a greater risk indicating that the epidemic is worsening despite the efforts to scale up HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention & treatment. However, with access to effective HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care including for opportunistic infections, HIV infection has become a manageable chronic health condition, enabling people living with HIV  to lead long and healthy lives. Thanks to the advances in the medical technology.




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