VTM (Viral Collection and Transport Medium)

VTM (Viral Collection and Transport Medium)

Product Description

Collection, preservation & transport of virus samples.

Available Options:

REF Volume
VITMD0400PS 50pcs

Starting in March 2020, increasing demand for testing COVID-19 led to a shortage of both NP swabs and VTM has created significant bottlenecks in large-scale testing efforts. In addition, the quality of the VTM and the sample collecting skill together highly influences the reliability of the laboratory results.

Product features:-

  • Validated and approved by ICMR.
  • Leak proof tube with recommended cryopreservatives.
  • 10 cc stand base tubes with 3 cc of filled medium.
  • Color indicator- in case of improper storage, physical damage, contamination etc.
  • Very narrow osmolality range to minimize batch to batch variations.
  • Optimized antibiotics concentration to inhibit bacterial contamination.
  • Excellent recovery.
  • Individually packed gamma sterilized polyester swabs.



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