HbA1c Direct

HbA1c Direct

Product Description

Immunoturbidimetric method

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Product features:

  • Immunoturbidimetric method.
  • Ready to use reagent.
  • Haemolysing solution is provided.
  • Programmable on most of the fully automated analyzers as well as semiautomatic analyzers.
  • Good correlation with other commercial methods like HPLC, boron affinity chromatography, enzymatic and other immuno-turbidimetric methods.
  • No interference with haemoglobin variants like: HbS, HbC, HbD, HbA2, HbE and HbF.
  • AMR = 2 ~ 15.6%.
  • Average on-board stability of 28 days (on selected instruments).*
  • Calibration stability of 14 days (on selected instruments at controlled environment.)*
  • Calibrators and controls are not included.**


* May vary from user to user or ambience.

**Should be purchased.


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